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Nov. 12, 2023

Wolverine, Agent of SHIELD - Comix Paradox What If?

Wolverine, Agent of SHIELD - Comix Paradox What If?

Wolverine, Agent of SHIELD - Comix Paradox What If?

Comix Paradox Podcast Presents

What If? Wolverine became and Agent of Sheild?

After his first battle with the Hulk and Wendigo, Wolverine is 'loaned' to SHIELD for a single mission. It seems that Hydra has stolen SHIELD's LMD tech, and used them to infiltrate SHIELD command. Fury needs Wolverine to track down the robots and destroy them. Immediately unleashed, Logan goes berserk on Dum Dum Dugan, who turns out to be a LMD himself. Enraged that Hydra has gotten in so deep, Fury sends Wolverine and Black Widow to remove all the other LMDs in the carrier. They come back in about 45 minutes, having destroyed half of the operating crew on board.

Upset at the capture of Dum Dum, Fury makes it their next priority to raid Hydra's base and rescue him. The three of them, along with a handful of SHIELD agents, breach Hydra's base, and find Dum Dum half dead at the hands of Madame Hydra and Baron von Strucker (who is in possession his Satan Claw). Wolverine cuts off the Claw, and has Strucker on the ropes, when Fury steps in to finish it himself. At the same time, Widow takes out Madame Hydra.

Fury commends Wolverine on a job well done, and offers to hire him onto SHIELD. Logan's ready for a change, (as he would have been joining the X-Men about this time), and moves quickly through the ranks to Fury's new #2. Happy with his new position, he turns down Professor X and Nightcrawler when they offer to bring him onto the X-Men.

An angry Strucker LMD avenges Strucker's death by crashing Fury's Flying Ferrari into the river with Fury in it. (Killing him). At the funeral, Dum Dum retires, and Logan becomes Director of SHIELD.

As Director, Logan uses his position to greatly change his world, shutting down the production of Dr. Stephen Lang's Sentinels, preventing the Dark Phoenix's emergence, as well as discrediting Senator Robert Kelly, defeating the Mutant Registration Act, and teaching the world, humans and mutants alike, to live and let live. ————————————————— This episode is sponsored by Deadly Grounds Coffee "Its good to get a little Deadly"

"Powerful Brandon" Powers: []

Justin Cooper   The Dorkening Podcast Network

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